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Comparative genomics and pangenome-oriented studies reveal high homogeneity

Comparative genomics and pangenome-oriented studies reveal high homogeneity Background: Dickeya solani is an important plant pathogenic bacteria that caused heavy losses in the production of potatoes in Europe. This species attracted much attention because of the virulence of extraordinary potential to destroy the large …
Diversity, enrichment, and genomic potential of anaerobic methane- and ammonium

Genomic potential of anaerobic methane- and ammonium Anaerobic wastewater treatment offers several advantages; However, waste from anaerobic digester still contains high levels of dissolved ammonium and methane that need to be removed before the waste can be discharged into surface water. Elimination of …
Genomic screen identifies a role for the plasmid-borne type II secretion system

Genomic screen identifies a role for the plasmid-borne type II Shiga-toxigenic Escherichia coli (STEC) is often transmitted to the food through fresh products plant, where it can cause disease. To identify factors for STEC early interaction in spinach, positive system used high-throughput selection. An …
Rapid genomic and phenotypic change in response to climate warming in a widespread plant invader

Rapid genomic and phenotypic change in response to climate warming Predicting the distribution of plants under climate change constrained by our limited understanding of the potential for rapid adaptive evolution. In a study of experimental evolution with invasive common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) we …