Competent Cells Biolabs

CD7 (T cells and NK cells), Antibody

GWB-20A27F 0.2 mg Ask for price

Human IgG antibody Laboratories manufactures the competent cells biolabs reagents distributed by Genprice. The Competent Cells Biolabs reagent is RUO (Research Use Only) to test human serum or cell culture lab samples. To purchase these products, for the MSDS, Data Sheet, protocol, storage conditions/temperature or for the concentration, please contact Cell Biolabs. Other Competent products are available in stock. Specificity: Competent Category: Cells Group: Biolabs

Human True Insulin ELISA Kit

EUR 550

Human True Insulin ELISA Kit

EUR 3420

Human True Insulin ELISA Kit

EUR 765

Human True Insulin GENLISA ELISA

1 x 96 wells
EUR 286

Human True insulin ELISA kit

EUR 700
Description: ELISA

Human True insulin ELISA kit

192 tests
EUR 1524
Description: A competitive ELISA for quantitative measurement of Human True insulin in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species.

Human True insulin ELISA kit

1 plate of 48 wells
EUR 624
Description: A competitive ELISA for quantitative measurement of Human True insulin in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species.

Biolabs information

*E.coli DH5-alpha Competent Cells

EUR 119
Description: *E.coli DH5-alpha Competent Cells

BL21(DE3) Chemically Competent Cells

1051-12 12/PK
EUR 108
Description: Intact Genomics chemically competent BL21(DE3) E. coli cells are suitable for transformation and routine protein expression.Product Includes:BL21 (DE3) competent cellspUC19 control DNARecovery medium

BL21(DE3) Chemically Competent Cells

1051-24 24/PK
EUR 180
Description: Intact Genomics chemically competent BL21(DE3) E. coli cells are suitable for transformation and routine protein expression.Product Includes:BL21 (DE3) competent cellspUC19 control DNARecovery medium

BL21(DE3) Chemically Competent Cells

1054-24 6/PK
EUR 124
Description: Intact Genomics chemically competent BL21(DE3) E. coli cells are suitable for transformation and routine protein expression.Product Includes:BL21 (DE3) competent cellspUC19 control DNARecovery medium

DH5a Competent Cells for Subcloning

64438 2 x0.1 ml
EUR 22.49
Description: Part E

DH5a Competent Cells for Subcloning

64438-1 4 x0.5 ml
EUR 161.64
Description: Part E

JM109 (DE3) Chemically Competent Cells

1063-24 200μL
EUR 119.2
Description: Intact Genomics JM109(DE3) chemically competent E. coli cells are suitable for high efficiency transformation in a wide variety of applications such as cloning and sub-cloning. JM109(DE3) is useful for the high-level expression of genes cloned into vectors for expression of sequence downstream from the T7 promoter.

JM109 (DE3) Chemically Competent Cells

1063-48 200μL
EUR 204
Description: Intact Genomics JM109(DE3) chemically competent E. coli cells are suitable for high efficiency transformation in a wide variety of applications such as cloning and sub-cloning. JM109(DE3) is useful for the high-level expression of genes cloned into vectors for expression of sequence downstream from the T7 promoter.

E Coli BL21(DE3) Competent Cells

MBS8430456-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

HiPurA® BL21 (DE3) Competent Cells

MBT143-10R 1 unit
EUR 24.46
Description: HiPurA® BL21 (DE3) Competent Cells

HiPurA® BL21 (DE3) Competent Cells

MBT143-20R 1 unit
EUR 38.47
Description: HiPurA® BL21 (DE3) Competent Cells

HiPurA® BL21 (DE3) Competent Cells

MBT143-40R 1 unit
EUR 69.82
Description: HiPurA® BL21 (DE3) Competent Cells

Bacteria-Derived JM109 Competent Cells

MBS8430457-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

DH10B Chemically Competent Cells - 12x100µl

1012-24 12/PK
EUR 195
Description: Intact Genomics ig™ 10B chemically competent cells (E. coli) are suitable for high efficiency transformation in a wide variety of applications such as cloning and sub-cloning. This derivative of DH10B provides the highest efficiency in the industry.Product Includes:ig™ 10B competent cellspUC19 control DNARecovery medium

DH10B Chemically Competent Cells - 24x100µl

1012-48 24/PK
EUR 330
Description: Intact Genomics ig™ 10B chemically competent cells (E. coli) are suitable for high efficiency transformation in a wide variety of applications such as cloning and sub-cloning. This derivative of DH10B provides the highest efficiency in the industry.Product Includes:ig™ 10B competent cellspUC19 control DNARecovery medium

HB101 Chemically Competent Cells - 24x100µl

1071-24 100μL
EUR 315
Description: Intact Genomics (ig®) HB101 chemically competent E. coli cells are suitable for high-efficiency transformation in a wide variety of applications such as cloning and sub-cloning. E. coli HB101 is a K12 x B hybrid strain, containing the recA13 mutation that minimizes recombination and helps insert stability. In addition, it carries the hsdS20(rB-mB-) restriction minus genotype which prevents cleavage of cloned DNA by endogenous restriction enzymes. HB101 strain does not support Alpha-complementation for blue/white screening

HiPurA® XL1-Blue Competent Cells

MBT144-10R 1 unit
EUR 24.46
Description: HiPurA® XL1-Blue Competent Cells